Online Programs for Educators

Online Programs for Educators
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Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n4X00000DQWG3">Advanced Literacy Instruction & Intervention, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOuB">Anti-Racism, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n4X00000Gav71">Applied Behavior Analysis, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOtq">Art Education (K-12), Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOu9">Autism Spectrum Disorders, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOu8">Child and Family Development: Birth-K, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n4X00000GJc12">Early Childhood Mental Health, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOuv">Elementary Education, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOuC">Elementary School Mathematics, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n4X00000G0Mey">Foreign Language Education (K-12), Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n4X00000Gak3w">Instructional Coaching, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOty">Learning, Design, and Technology, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n4X00000G0MTC">Middle Grades and Secondary Education, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008k1wJ">School Administration, Post-Master's Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOu6">School Counseling, Post-Master's Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOuy">Special Education (K-12): Adapted Curriculum, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOuz">Special Education (K-12): General Curriculum, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOv1">Teaching English as a Second Language, Grad. Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n4X00000G0McT">University and College Teaching, Post-Master's Cert.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOuK">Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOtr">Elementary Education, M.A.T.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOvY">Elementary Education, M.Ed.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOts">Foreign Language Education (K-12), M.A.T.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOu1">Learning, Design, and Technology, M.Ed.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOvU">Mathematics: Mathematics Education Concentration, M.S.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n4X00000G0MNx">Middle Grades and Secondary Education, M.A.T.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOva">Reading Education, M.Ed.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008k1wE">School Administration, Master of School Administration</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOv4">Special Education (K-12), M.A.T.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOvW">Special Education and Child Development: AIG, M.Ed.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008k5Vx">Special Education and Child Development: Applied Behavior Analysis, M.Ed.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOvX">Special Education and Child Development: Special Education, M.Ed.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOtw">Teaching English as a Second Language (K-12), M.A.T.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOuL">Urban Education, M.Ed.</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOu5">Educational Leadership: Learning, Design & Technology, ED.D</option> <option class="interestDE" value="a0n0z000008ZOvT">Educational Leadership: Superintendency, ED.D</option> </select> </div> <!-- Recaptcha --> <div class="row top-pad"> <div class="col"> <div class="g-recaptcha" style=" display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.88); transform-origin: 0 0; " data-sitekey="6LdxMe0UAAAAAAzSI7W9-qppSQcJz6mw9huvDcYU" data-callback="recaptchaCallback" data-expired-callback="recaptchaExpiredCallback" data-error-callback="recaptchaErrorCallback" > &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div id="errAlert" class="alert alert-danger" hidden> There was an error submitting your request. 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UNC Charlotte School of Professional Studies offers degree and professional-credit certificate programs in education that are available either 100% online, hybrid or face-to-face.

Each program is flexible and affordable for students who are balancing busy life demands. Charlotte offers multiple academic credit pathways that allow students to develop or elevate their professional skills in the areas of education.

Professional credit certificate programs include: trauma-invested teaching and policies, college and career coaching, culturally sustaining teaching and institutional effectiveness.


Professional Credit

Culturally Sustaining Teaching, Professional Certificate
Culturally Sustaining Teaching, Professional Certificate
  • 24-hour program
  • Offered on-demand for enrollments of 25 or more
  • Designed to equip educators with culturally-relevant best practices
Trauma-Invested Teaching Practices and Policies, Professional Certificate
Trauma-Invested Teaching Practices and Policies, Professional Certificate
  • 15 instructional hours
  • Offered year-round
  • Designed to increase awareness and competence in trauma-responsive instruction, policy, and school culture for teachers


Elementary Education, B.A.
  • 60 credit hours
  • Admits: Summer
  • Designed for Teacher Assistants with a completed A.A. or A.S. with the goal of earning their initial Professional Educator’s License in Elementary Education. 

Graduate Certificate

Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG), Graduate Certificate
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for teachers seeking to add on the North Carolina Standard Professional 1 (SP1) AIG Professional Educator’s License.
Advanced Literacy Instruction & Intervention, Graduate Certificate
Advanced Literacy Instruction & Intervention, Graduate Certificate
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed to provide K-12 teachers with skills in using data and current research on literacy to design and implement classroom literacy instruction and interventions.
Anti-Racism, Graduate Certificate
Anti-Racism, Graduate Certificate
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits: Summer & Fall
  • Designed for those interested in understanding race, racism, and anti-racism. Completing this certificate will create justice-oriented change agents for their organizations and communities.
Applied Behavior Analysis, Graduate Certificate
Applied Behavior Analysis, Graduate Certificate
  • 21 credit hours
  • 100% online
  • Admits Fall
  • Learn critical skills for positions in the Behavior Analysis field
Art Education (K-12), Graduate Certificate
  • 16 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall & Spring
  • Designed for those who have earned a degree in Studio Art, have 24 credits in Studio Art, or have passed Praxis II Art: Content and Analysis. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate, students are eligible for the North Carolina Standard Professional I teaching license.
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Graduate Certificate
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall
  • Designed for teachers and other related professionals who have a desire to acquire skills and expertise to address specific ASD needs.
Child and Family Development (Birth-K), Graduate Certificate
  • 21 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Combines web-based instruction, face-to-face instruction, and clinical experiences to prepare students to demonstrate their readiness for the North Carolina Standard Professional I teaching license.
Early Childhood Mental Health, Graduate Certificate
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall & Spring
  • Designed for those who work or desire to work with young children and their families, including: social workers, early childhood educators, psychologists, pediatricians, nurses, child protective services personnel, speech-language pathologists, and others.
Elementary Education, Graduate Certificate
  • 21 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for students who hold a bachelor's degree outside of education. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate, students are eligible for the North Carolina Standard Professional I teaching license.
Elementary School Mathematics, Graduate Certificate
  • 18 credit hours
  • Admits: Summer
  • Designed for students who have a desire to work toward the North Carolina Elementary School Mathematics Add-on License.
Foreign Language Education (K-12), Graduate Certificate
  • 16 - 17 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for students who hold a bachelor’s degree outside of education. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate, students are eligible for the North Carolina Standard Professional I teaching license.
Instructional Coaching, Graduate Certificate
Instructional Coaching, Graduate Certificate
  • Complete in two semesters
  • Serve as a mentor for teachers and administrators throughout their professional development
  • 100% online and asynchronous
Learning, Design and Technology, Graduate Certificate
Learning, Design and Technology, Graduate Certificate
  • 100% Online
  • 15-18 credit hours, depending on concentration
  • Offers three concentrations:
    • School Specialist
    • Online Teaching and Learning
    • Training and Development
  • Prepares professionals to create and manage LDT projects
Middle Grades and Secondary Education, Graduate Certificate
  • 16 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for aspiring middle and secondary school teachers who hold a Bachelor’s degree. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate, students are eligible for the North Carolina Standard Professional I teaching license.
School Administration, Post-Master's Certificate
  • 21 credit hours
  • Admits: Summer
  • Designed for students seeking to “add-on” the Certificate in School Administration to a previous master’s degree. This program is offered at off-campus sites.
School Counseling, Post-Master's
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits: Summer
  • Designed for students who want to become professional school counselors and have already earned a Master's degree in another counseling specialty such as clinical mental health counseling, couples and family counseling, and others. 
Special Education (K-12): Adapted Curriculum, Graduate Certificate
  • 21 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for students who have a desire to work with students with moderate to severe disabilities, autism, and/or multiple disabilities.
Special Education (K-12): General Curriculum, Graduate Certificate
  • 21 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for those who have a desire to work with students who have mild intellectual disability, learning disabilities, and/or emotional/behavioral disorders.
Teaching English as a Second Language, Graduate Certificate
  • 18 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for students who hold a bachelor’s degree outside of education and wish to teach English as a Second Language. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate, students are eligible for the North Carolina Standard Professional I teaching license.
University and College Teaching, Post-Master's Graduate Certificate
University and College Teaching, Post-Master's Graduate Certificate
  • 100% Online
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits Fall and Spring
  • Prepares professionals to teach college-level courses


Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed.
Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed.
  • 30 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • The program is designed to give experienced, licensed, practicing teachers the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills as a curriculum specialist and instructional leader through an accessible and flexible online education program.
Elementary Education (Phase II), M.A.T.
  • 9 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for students who completed their Graduate Certificate in Elementary Education and want to complete their Master’s degree.
Foreign Language Education (K-12): Phase II, M.A.T.
  • 14 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for students who completed their Graduate Certificate in Foreign Language Education and want to complete their Master’s degree.
Learning, Design and Technology, M.Ed.
Learning, Design and Technology, M.Ed.
  • 100% Online
  • 33 credit hours
  • Admits Fall, Spring, Summer
  • Offers three concentrations:
    • School Specialist
    • Online Teaching and Learning
    • Training and Development
  • Prepares professionals for leadership and curriculum design in LDT
Mathematics: Mathematics Education Concentration, M.S.
Mathematics: Mathematics Education Concentration, M.S.
  • 33 credit hours
  • Admits Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed primarily for secondary school mathematics teachers interested in professional growth in teaching mathematics
Middle Grades and Secondary Education, M.A.T.
  • 14 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for students who completed their Graduate Certificate in Middle Grades or Secondary Education and want to complete their Master’s degree.
Reading Education, M.Ed.
Reading Education, M.Ed.
  • 33 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall & Summer
  • Designed for classroom teachers, aspiring literacy specialists and others whose work involves literacy education who are interested in improving instructional programs and practices that promote literacy among all learners.
School Administration, Master of School Administration
  • 36 credit hours
  • Admits: Summer
  • Designed to prepare innovative, collaborative, effective, and reflective leaders who can develop school environments and focus on improving the learning for all students in the 21st century. The program is offered in a blended format. Students will meet at off-campus sites as well as online.
Special Education (K-12), M.A.T.
  • 14 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall & Spring
  • Designed for students who completed their Graduate Certificate in Special Education and want to complete their Master’s degree.
Special Education and Child Development: Academically or Intellectually Gifted, M.Ed.
  • 33 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed to educate teachers on employing diverse and effective instructional practices to enrich the standard curriculum for gifted students, and to be collaborative instructional leaders who are responsive to equity and diversity for gifted students.
Special Education and Child Development: Applied Behavior Analysis, M.Ed.
Special Education and Child Development: Applied Behavior Analysis, M.Ed.
  • 33 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for students who are interested in seeking a master’s degree and in fulfilling the coursework requirements for becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
Special Education and Child Development: Child and Family Studies, M.Ed.
  • 33 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall
  • Focuses on equipping students with the skills necessary to advocate for and support young children, both with and without disabilities, and their families.
Special Education and Child Development: Special Education, M.Ed.
  • 33 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed to prepare teachers to be collaborative instructional leaders who are knowledgeable, effective, reflective, and responsive to equity and diversity.
Teaching English as a Second Language (Phase II), M.A.T.
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for students who completed their Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language Education and want to complete their Master’s degree.
Urban Education, M.Ed.
  • 33 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall
  • Designed to prepare professionals who are committed to delivering high-quality, culturally relevant instruction and services that meet the needs of students in increasingly diverse, urban school systems.


Educational Leadership: Learning, Design & Technology Concentration, Ed.D.
Educational Leadership: Learning, Design & Technology Concentration, Ed.D.
  • 80% online
  • 48 credit hours
  • Admits in Fall
  • Comprised of foundational work in edu leadership, research and LDT specialization courses
Educational Leadership: Superintendency Concentration, Ed.D.
  • 48 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall
  • The Superintendency Concentration of the Educational Leadership program is designed to serve the needs of those interested in the study of issues regarding the administration of P-12 public and private educational institutions.