Degree Completion Programs

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UNC Charlotte School of Professional Studies offers 100% online bachelor’s-degree-completion and degree-advancement programs. Each program is flexible and affordable for students who are balancing busy life demands.

Charlotte’s commitment to life-long learning drives the development of online, degree-completion programs designed to meet students where they are in the areas of education, engineering technology, healthcare, and liberal arts.


Political Science, B.A.
  • Admits: Fall, Spring, & Summer
  • Designed to enhance critical skills in the field of Political Science.
Professional Studies, B.S.
  • Admits: Fall, Spring, & Summer
  • Designed to maximize prior, transferable college credits to complete bachelor’s degree in as little as three semesters.
Bachelor of Social Work, B.S.W.
Bachelor of Social Work, B.S.W.
  • 60 Credit Hours
  • Admits Fall
  • Designed as a two-year, degree completion program that prepares students for generalist social work practice.
woman in blazer sitting on table working on laptop
Business Administration, B.S.B.A.
  • Admits: Fall, Spring, & Summer
  • Designed to gain or enhance skills needed to manage today's complex organizations.
  • Career examples include management, marketing, human resources, operations and analytics.
Elementary Education, B.A.
  • 60 credit hours
  • Admits: Summer
  • Designed for Teacher Assistants with a completed A.A. or A.S. with the goal of earning their initial Professional Educator’s License in Elementary Education. 
Engineering Technology: Fire Safety, B.S.
Engineering Technology: Fire Safety, B.S.
  • 61 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall & Spring
  • Designed to prepare professionals for increasing roles in leadership and management to protect people and property.
Health Systems Management, B.S.
Health Systems Management, B.S.
  • Starts Fall 2024
  • Gain the essential skills and knowledge to effectively manage and lead healthcare organizations
Respiratory Therapy, B.S.
Respiratory Therapy, B.S.
  • 30 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer
  • Designed for Registered Respiratory Therapists (RRT) seeking roles in leadership with a focus on evidence-based practice and disease management
RN to BSN Completion Program
  • 31 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall & Spring
  • Designed for working RNs to enhance and advance professional nursing careers.
Sociology: Concentration in Organizations, Occupations, and Work, B.A.
  • Admits: Fall, Spring, & Summer
  • Designed to hone skills for working with diverse teams and understanding group dynamics in professional settings.