Adult Students Provided New Online Option with Launch of B.A. in Political Science

UNC Charlotte further expands access to the popular political science undergraduate degree with an online version of the B.A. in Political Science enrolling for fall 2022. The flexible online degree provides three start times per year, full and part-time options, and includes classes designed by the award-winning faculty from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration.
Associate Provost Asher Haines commented, “The addition of the online B.A. in Political Science not only marks the eighth online major we offer for adult undergraduate students, but the online delivery removes one additional barrier for learners in earning a high-quality credential and helps Charlotte contribute to the educational attainment goals for North Carolina.”
“The Department of Political Science and Public Administration welcomes the opportunity to offer the online B.A. in Political Science to afford students a new avenue and supportive environment in which to develop critical thinking, communication and research analytical skills and achieve forward movement toward academic, professional and personal goals, ” said Dr. Cheryl Brown, associate professor and chair, Political Science and Public Administration. “Our faculty are excited about and committed to utilizing their extensive experience in online teaching, quality research, and professional service to provide a curriculum covering local to global knowledge and understanding of political science and yielding a top-quality degree.”
For more information on the program or to speak with an Enrollment Specialist, please visit the program page at