State Authorization - Professional Licensure

What are you going to do when you graduate from UNC Charlotte? 

Some students can start work in their chosen field the very next day; but, for others, completion of the degree is just one of several hurdles to be cleared in order to fully participate in their profession.  Teachers and nurses, for example, cannot serve their clients without first obtaining a license.  And, before the license, there are usually forms and fees and exams.  In other disciplines like engineering and accounting, the credential can come only after doing the work for a while.  Every profession is different; and, even within a single profession, requirements vary from place to place.  

To maximize your options and minimize your stress, you'll want to be as well informed about requirements as possible as early in your preparation as possible.  UNC Charlotte can help with that.  Use our Inventory of Licensure Pathways to ensure the academic program you choose can actually get you where you want to go.  For the most part, UNC Charlotte's professional programs are designed to fulfill the educational requirements for licensure in the state of North Carolina, but that is not necessarily the case elsewhere.  The Inventory tells you what UNC Charlotte knows about its programs and licensure, whether a particular program fulfills the educational requirements for licensure in other U.S. states and territories. Consult it to know where you can go. In some cases, the University has not yet determined whether a program meets a state's requirements.  In these cases, you'll want to do your own research, so the Inventory links to contact information for the relevant licensing boards. Professors, advisors, program directors, and the University Career Center are additional great resources who can help you make sense of the confusing world of licensure requirements.