Digital Skills & Technology and Computing & Informatics

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UNC Charlotte School of Professional Studies offers 100% online graduate and professional certificate programs in the areas of digital skills & technology and computing & informatics.

Charlotte offers multiple academic credit pathways that allow students to develop or elevate their professional skills in computing and informatics. Program topics include: applied artificial intelligence, health informatics and analytics, human-computer interaction, information security and privacy, management of information technology, and software development.

Professional credit certificate programs include: full-stack web development, cybersecurity, data analytics, digital marketing science, financial technology, growth for small business, sales development, and sales operations.


Professional Credit

Coding: Full Stack Web Development, Professional Certificate
  • Complete in 12 or 24 weeks
  • Classes begin quarterly
  • Designed for students who want to prepare for a career as an end-to-end web developer.
Cybersecurity, Professional Certificate
  • Complete in 12 or 24 weeks
  • Classes begin quarterly
  • Designed for students who want to take a multidisciplinary approach to attaining proficiency in IT, networking, and information security.
Data Analytics
Data Analytics, Professional Certificate
  • Complete in 24 weeks
  • Part-Time
  • Designed for students who want to advance their knowledge and skills to conduct analytics on a wide array of real-world problems.
Digital Marketing Science
Digital Marketing Science, Professional Certificate
  • Complete in 10 weeks
  • 4-6 hours per week
  • Designed to transform students into a complete digital marketer with expertise in the most in-demand marketing domains.
Product Management, Professional Certificate
Product Management, Professional Certificate
  • Complete in 10 weeks
  • Classes begin monthly
  • Teaches critical skills for each stage of the product management lifecycle, including data-driven research and design, prioritization and road mapping
Sales Development
Sales Development, Professional Certificate
  • Complete in 10 weeks
  • 4-6 hours per week
  • Designed for students who want to explore the data-driven strategies for developing, managing and converting sales leads and pipeline into revenue.
Sales Operations
Sales Operations, Professional Certificate
  • Complete in 10 weeks
  • 4-6 hours per week
  • Designed for students who want to apply best practices, strategies, and frameworks to drive sales efficiency and effectiveness.
UX/UI, Professional Credit
UX/UI, Professional Certificate
  • Complete in 24 weeks
  • Classes begin quarterly
  • Designed for students who want to enter the user interface (UI) design and user experience (UX) research fields

Graduate Certificate

Applied Artificial Intelligence, Graduate Certificate
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall & Spring 
  • Designed for students who want to advance their knowledge of modern AI systems and techniques.
Human-Computer Interaction, Graduate Certificate
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring & Summer 
  • Designed for students who want to advance their knowledge and skills in the human-centered design of interfaces for software applications.
Information Security and Privacy, Graduate Certificate
  • 12 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring, & Summer 
  • Designed for students who want to advance their level of competence in the understanding, management, and applications of cybersecurity and privacy technology.
Management of Information Technology, Graduate Certificate
  • 15 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall, Spring, & Summer 
  • Designed for students who want to advance their level of competence in the management and applications of computing and information technology through formal training.
Software Development, Graduate Certificate
  • 15 credit hours
  • Admits: Fall & Spring 
  • Designed for students who want to advance their knowledge and skills as a software developer or for completing a Master of Science in a computer-related discipline.