Garvey Pyke

Garvey Pyke
Garvey leads the CTL in fueling the enrollment growth at the university through online course development, creating high impact student success programs using personalized and adaptive learning, promoting faculty success and scholarly teaching through innovative faculty development programs, and overseeing the provision and support of enterprise academic technologies, with a focus on high quality instruction in all teaching modes and models. The success of the CTL has made him a sought-after contributor for professional organizations and consultant for other institutions, having served as President of the University of North Carolina Faculty Developers Consortium and also as a member of steering committees for the both the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Innovate and Accelerate conferences, and he has presented multiple times at these and other conferences. He has been co-director and is currently a member of the faculty of the OLC Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning.
As an educator for over 25 years and having been with CTL since 2003, Garvey enjoys collaborating with faculty members and staff to design and develop programs which impact faculty satisfaction and lead to student success. His work involves the practical application of research methods and instructional systems design methods to various instructional projects at UNC Charlotte, and he is an affiliate member of the Graduate School and has served on several dissertation committees. He holds a doctorate from Indiana University’s School of Education in Instructional Systems Technology and has taught at the university and K12 levels. He is also a graduate of the OLC / Penn State University Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning as well as the EDUCAUSE Learning Technology Leadership Institute. He also holds a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Pepperdine University and a bachelor’s degree in English from Tulane University.