Blair Stamper

Blair Stamper
Dr. Blair Stamper is an Instructional Designer (ID) with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. As an ID, she works with faculty to create student-centered and active online courses that align with high quality standards. Her passions lie in student success, active learning, and access, equity, and inclusion in online courses. She is also an Adjunct Professor at Michigan State University and Arizona State University. Blair shares her expertise with her online blog, social media (Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest), podcast, and through mentoring.
Blair began working in education as a middle school math and science teacher in 2012. Using her experiences with curriculum design as a teacher and her love for technology, Blair found her true niche in the instructional design field in 2015. After 7.5 years as an ID, Blair’s passion for sharing her expertise with the online learning field has led her to being published in Educause Review, an active member with Educause, Online Learning Consortium, UPCEA, and the creation of her Be an Instructional Design Rockstar podcast.
Blair’s research focuses on instructional design practices including relationships between IDs and faculty during online course developments. She has also explored access, equity, and inclusive practices and active learning in online courses. Blair has served as the Managing Editor for Current Issues in Education and a reviewer for multiple academic journals.
Blair is a graduate of Arizona State University (2022, Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Innovation), the Online Learning Consortium’s Institute for Emerging Leaders in Online Learning (2018), Michigan State University (2015, Master of Arts in Educational Technology), and University of Michigan-Dearborn (2012, Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education).