Increase Your Productivity with Process Improvement

September 11, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

It can be easy to become comfortable with the processes your business has in place. They’ve been working for you for months, maybe years. Everyone is used to them. Besides, introducing change can be disruptive - even expensive, assuming you get buy-in for a new process. Why switch up what works?

But you’ll know when this comfort turns into complacency. You’ll notice costs rising in new places, productivity slowing down for seemingly no reason, once solid workflows becoming suddenly undependable. If you’re wondering what’s changed, then you’re asking the wrong question. In business, everything is changing constantly.

This course will explain the real-world benefits of why you need to make continuous process improvement a regular part of doing business.

What participants will learn:

  • Apply a Business Process Improvement (BPI) framework in your organization
  • Identify processes in need of improvement
  • Create and implement stakeholder engagement and buy-in

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