Year in Review 2021

Categories: News

Happy New Year from all of us at UNC Charlotte School of Professional Studies!

2021 was a year like no other, but we have optimism and hope for a new year that is filled with possibilities.

No matter what kind of goals you have, we are here to help. Here are some of the opportunities we offer:

As we finally say goodbye to 2021, here are some highlights of what we accomplished together:

  • UNC Charlotte launched the School of Professional Studies on August 3, 2021, to address the region’s needs for a highly trained professional workforce
  • SPS supported over 5,700 students with nearly 12,800 course enrollments.
  • UNC Charlotte Distance Education was ranked nationally for its academic credit online programs and among the top 10 for online special education programs.
  • Employer Solutions delivered over 500 hours of customized training content.

Here’s more in our 2021 Impact Report: